Monday, January 17, 2011

New Horoscope This 2011?

There's been rumours about a new constellation "Ophiuchus", the snake bearer, being intoduced in the Western Horoscope this 2011.

I honestly don't know if this is a hoax to gain popularity for astronomers or associated people, but i DO know that i am not really happy with the change! Imagine, you live your whole life as a, for example, Saggitarian in my case, to find that you are actually a Scorpio??? (no offence to Scorpians intended). There are people who are addicted to their horoscope readings as much as i am addicted to facebook. Where do these people turn to?

Anyway, reading about the story of Ophiuchus has been pretty interesting. Im going to quote directly from the site here:

"The constellation of Ophiuchus is the only sign of the Zodiac which is linked to a real man. This man lived in ancient Egypt around the 27th century BCE, and his name was Imhotep" :)

And that is why medical logos are always symbolised as snakes/serpents. They are to represent Imhotep who brought the art-of-healing to mankind.

Read about it all here: 

And before i forget, here's the "new" supposed list for 2011!

January 20 to February 16

February 16 to March 11

March 11 to April 18

April 18 to May 13

May 13 to June 21

June 21 to July 20

July 20 to August 10

August 10 to September 16

September 16 to October 30

October 30 to November 23

November 23 to November 29

November 29 to December 17

December 17 to January 20
Did you change your sign?

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