Thursday, February 11, 2010

Emotional Status

Scenario: A week to flying off to Melbourne, Australia.

Heart constricting due to:

a. Pure Fear
b. Nervousness
c. Excitement
d. Undeniable joy
e. Dread
f. Look-forward-ness (I cant find a word opposing to dread)
g. Worry
h. Sense of adventure and accomplishment

And most of all why heart's constricting,

Nothing's worse than "I-haven't-packed-yet-and-being-forced-to-cause-ChineseNewYear's-coming-and-i-have-no-time-then" syndrome.

I mean.. WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO PACK?? I still need my things around me! (Well not all... but still... understand my dilemma. Having a PMS moment here) Especially my clothes! How am i to PREDICT what clothes to wear for the next week? I'm hardly Madame Zorra or even that absolutely irritating Online Psychic Anita (Facebook generated woman who flooded my page and gives dumb advices like, i am going to do well at work - and i don't work). Please understand that i am an extreme procrastinater and love to leave things for last minutes. Hence, the love-packing-late.

See? Emotional floodgates are unstoppably open and its swimming out to fill my entire head with worrisome nonsense. I even worry bout stupid psychic online women. ><>
Alright, anyway have to go! See you around!