Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Thank you...

My dearest baiks buruks,
I would like to express my greatest gratitute to you for showing me,
what friends really are like and supposed to be,
for giving me a chance of exploring myself,
which is something i haven't done and had the courage to do.
Showing me what pure happiness really is like,
when being with you makes every moment count.
all of you mean the WORLD to me,
and maybe something more.
Thanks for everything you have given me,
even those hugs that were given to me that night,
the warmth from friends was something that i had missed all along,
and also being there for me when i am down and tangled up all inside,
for caring for me,
and changing me into someone without a cold heart and giving me a new one.
I hope that we will create more memories together and if we ever do part,
which will be very soon,
it will break my heart into a thousand shards,
but i shall always remember you forever till my last breath.
And do you know what i wished for when i saw that shooting star on the 20th of april?
i thanked it for every happy thing that have happened to me all these while.
Thank you my dear friends.
Always love you and forever will,

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